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1st Gen Carpet Roll – 36″ x 78″ (4 yards) – Used For Back Wall



If you are like we are, then you try to make the interior of your 1st Gen as quiet, and finished looking as possible. Dodge never provided carpet on the back walls of the regular cab trucks (or crew cabs!) like they did on the club cabs, as they felt the bench seat blocked the view of the back wall and therefore would save the cost.

On many restorations we have used extra material that color matches the floor carpet, to either add carpet to the back wall of a regular cab or crew cab; or redo the back wall of a club cab.

This material we sell is the same that is used on the door panels so it is flexible to be glued to the back wall as the factory did. Unlike the floor carpet however, there is no rubber backing.

Sold in a 4 yard roll. Cut as needed.

For adhesive products, visit your local Home Depot! They have several spray adhesives available.

Made in USA!

For Canadian orders, please contact for availability prior to ordering.